Travel 2006

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Yellowstone Area
January 2006. We went with some friends to West Yellowstone where we spent two days in Yellowstone National Park. We also rented snowmobiles and snowshoes. It was truly a winter wonderland.



May 2006. We flew into Burlington for a long weekend getaway. We didn't stay in Burlington, mainly because every hotel was booked. There was a marathon that weekend. We stayed in Waterbury in a wonderful Inn that was much better than any hotel.


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Hot Springs, North Carolina

June 2006. A friend from Germany and her partner threw a big wedding bash in Hot Springs. There was a welcome party, white water rafting, lots of good food and of course the big event and reception afterwards.


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Atlanta, Georgia

July 2006. A long time friend from high school finally took the plunge and got married. Mel & Frank tied the knot in Hawaii and then held a reception in Atlanta over 4th of July weekend.

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